Meet Nicole Neder, new FLWA Marketing Assistant. Nicole joined the FLWA team on February 6, working directly with Cindy as she transitions towards retirement. Nicole comes to the FLWA with a broad range of experience across multiple industries, including hospitality. The skills she brings to the position will offer great value to the FLWA and…

The Finger Lakes Wine Alliance is proud to be a scholarship sponsor for the upcoming Field Blends experience, coming to the Finger Lakes June 5-9, 2023. Field Blends scholarships are open to individuals from underrepresented communities. Whether you are an established wine professional or you are actively seeking employment or education in the wine industry…

The ‘Go Native’ trend is hitting FLX wine, as well as elsewhere.  This Wine Industry Advisor article talks with winemakers from Anthony Road Wine Company, Fox Run Vineyards, Glenora Wine Cellars, and Lakewood Vineyards about where the trend is headed.  

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